Monday, May 17, 2010

How to create news?

Seemingly an easy question, you’d expect answers like “Do something novel”, “Find something interesting”. A mediocre reporter might say “Just pick an old tale and report all over”. Its not uncommon to find many ‘newspapers’ publishing opinions while you’d actually expect an unbiased representation of facts. However, it is increasingly common these days to find a news item that seems entirely made-up!!

Today’s Times of India reported that Kashmir terrorists were given a pay hike! The source of the article simply said Times News Network. This particular item was really well written quoting average salaries before the hike and the current pay to terrorists, their funding agency from Pakistan, and even the number of terrorists (of about 700) in this pay-roll! Neat piece of information, but how much of it is actually true?

If the story has been made-up, it makes an interesting read, and apart from that it kills any other newspaper that actually try to report facts that don’t catch the eye. Even worse it makes the reader feel that they don’t get pay hikes such as the 60% to 80% hike the terrorists got (I never got such hikes despite being in the financial sector during booming times). I think the average army man is likely to feel the worst hit when he reads that his opponents are being paid such hikes. The lack of similar reward would make him feel contemptuous against his own government.

The consequences seem even more appalling if the news were to be true. It means the Indian army and hence the government has full information of the terrorists and still does not act upon it (I don’t even know the salary hike in my own department!!). The news item also reports that the increase in hike is to increase the amount of violence which has recently fallen significantly. I can’t seem to think up any possible way in which this is likely to be a hard fact to be reported as news. Can a leading newspaper be allowed to publish such speculation?

I could equally speculate that TOI has terrorist links and publishes such items to demoralize the Indian troops and they’re abusing their freedom of press to systematically change the public opinion making them immune against action to any news!! Wonder who’ll publish my speculation as news?


  1. My comment remains and a compliment added: The page look is very nice. Love the birds on the right side top! :-) You're developing taste! ;-)

  2. Thanks!!

    I'm making your earlier comment public.

    Pritesh said...
    You so completely hit the nail on the head Sathya. I happened to read the news some time ago and totally echo your thoughts. This news report is as appalling as the one I read the other day. "More number of Hindus in India have 2 wives than Muslims", this is what the headline said. And the news went......."If you were to take an honest survey of the Indian population.............". So, either this implies that TOI took a dishonest survey OR no survey at all OR the 'people' are expected to take a survey of the population to verify the news piece reported by TOI! Totally reminds me of the "Ghayal kabootar in the aftermath of 26/11" video Ram sent! Reporting is going to dogs man, seriously!!!!

  3. i completely agree, i saw this too and the same thing struck me!! the media is all too fond of random correlations and i ve realised even making up news (this we realised during the nobel- venki anti india coverage where they chose to say any which thing), this seems to belong to the latter category. how can they know so accurately?! and yes how demoralising!! i wonder if the press is now being manipulated by rich(er) sources! toi long ago reached rock bottom in reporting 'news' though..very well made point

  4. and i suppose its an old gambit to give meticulous details and make an article seem more genuine!! :) though who knows they may have sources,and could be irresponsible disclosure, but i d like to see how many follow up articles there are.. i m guessing close to zero

  5. V interesting perpective ! I dont read the TOI , so missed this, but it seems totally incredible ! and interesetingly, as you pointed out, could prove to have a demoralizing effect on the Indian troops ! Definitely seems irresponsible reporting on the part of TOI . If they have access to this kind of information , they're likely to have access to more useful information !

    Reminds of an interesting quote - "We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true." Maybe can change that to ' Internet and TOI ' :-)

    Also, this page looks really nice Sathya !
